
Life size bronze This is a life-size sculpture of a fisherman holding two 40 pound striped bass. Commissioned by the Stan Gibbs Cape Cod Canal Fisherman's classic. It is alongside the Cape Cod Canal in downtown Buzzard's Bay. Dedicated on July 12, 2014

Life size bronze This is a life-size sculpture of a fisherman holding two 40 pound striped bass. Commissioned by the Stan Gibbs Cape Cod Canal Fisherman's classic. It is alongside the Cape Cod Canal in downtown Buzzard's Bay. Dedicated on July 12, 2014

Life size bronze This is a life-size sculpture of a fisherman holding two 40 pound striped bass. Commissioned by the Stan Gibbs Cape Cod Canal Fisherman's classic. It is alongside the Cape Cod Canal in downtown Buzzard's Bay. Dedicated on July 12, 2014

Life size bronze statue of the award winning marine biologist and author. She pauses from her note taking and gazes at the well-known and dangerous Woods Hole Passage. Because of her book "Silent Spring", the insecticide DDT was banned in 1972. In 1980, Ms. Carson was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom. Commissioned by the Woods Hole Marine Biological Laboratories. Statue was dedicated July, 2013 in Woods Hole, MA.

Maquette. This is the 24" maquette for a life-size sculpture of a fisherman holding two 40 pound striped bass. Commissioned by the Stan Gibbs Cape Cod Canal Fisherman's classic. It is alongside the Cape Cod Canal in downtown Buzzard's Bay.

When the wind blows perpendicular to a sail boat, it is called a reach. The memorial sculpture "Reaching Home" was commissioned by the family of a Maryland mariner who died suddenly. Cast in resin, it is 11 ft. by 6.5 ft and is permanently displayed on the campus of MEBA Engineering School, a private maritime educational facility.

Inspired by the late president's quotation: "I always go to Hyannisport to be revived, to know again the power of the sea, and the Master who rules over it and all of us," The statue was placed in front of the JFK Museum in Hyannis in May, 2007. "That is how I envision him," says David, "forever young, optimistic and alive in the minds of those who knew and loved him. I strived to keep in mind the President's great love of the sea."

Life size bronze. Commissioned by the Centerville/Osterville/ Marstons Mills Fire Department before 9-11-01, this memorial, dedicated in October, 2001, took on new meaning after the 9-11 tragedy. The statue, located at the entrance to the COMM Fire Station, depicts a young firefighter contemplating and remembering the firemen who had served before him.

Life size bronze. Dedicated July 4th, 2002, in front of the historic Barnstable County Superior Courthouse. James Otis, Jr. was a patriot whose skillful oratory fired the flames of the American Revolution.

Life size bronze. Dedicated July 4th, 2001, in front of the historic Barnstable County Superior Courthouse. Mercy was a poet, playwright, and author of the first published history of the Revolution, and sister of the patriot James Otis, Jr. Because she was a woman, she was not properly recognized, but is known for her pamphlet concerning many ideas later included in our Bill of Rights.

Life size bronze bust (photos by David Still) Commissioned by the Trustee of The Enoch T. Cobb Foundation, the bust is located in the foyer of Barnstable High School in Hyannis, MA. Mr. Cobb, a mid-nineteenth century philanthropist, left 100 acres to the children of Barnstable to aid in their education. Each year the Cobb Fund has generated hundreds of thousands of dollars for the students for educational and artistic endeavors.

A life size monument in honor of Iyanough, Sachem of the Mattakeese, from whom Hyannis, Massachusetts got its name. It sits at the entrance to? the town green in honor of the Sachem known for his gentleness and kindness to the Pilgrims.

This is a life size mahogany carving commissioned for a major Cape Cod church. John the Baptist is about to baptize Christ, marking the moment Jesus starts his public ministry.